Futsal Match Length
Futsal match played two rounds with a duration of 2 x 20 minutes. Duration can be done more to give a time penalty kick or direct free kick against the team that performed more than five times the offense.
Time Out (interlude)
In futsal every team is entitled to request time to time out for a minute in each round. Events following may be applied to get a time out;
- Team officials may request time-out to the referee for one minute.
- Time-outs can be requested at any time, but allowed at the time of the team who requested the condition of the ball.
- The referee will give permission for time out when the ball is played with by sounding a whistle or other signal.
- When time out is given, all players must remain in the field.
- If the time out players would like to receive instructions from team officials, in this way can only be done alongside the field and officials who gave instructions not be entering the field.
- The team that did not request time-outs in the first round can get it in the second half.
For this futsal breaks antarbabak distance can not be longer than 15 minutes.

Futsal Match Length
Monday, November 15, 2010Diposkan oleh futsals.blogspot.com di Monday, November 15, 2010
Label: Futsal

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