Who Gonzalez duo team? Bachdim, Bepe or Yong?
Christian 'El Loco' Gonzalez
One place on the front lines Indonesia is definitely a Christian's "El Loco" Gonzalez at AFF Cup final first leg against Malaysia on Sunday (26/12/2010). However, the question now is who will be the tandem "El Loco". Is Irfan Bachdim, Bambang Pamungkas, or Yong Ari Bowo?
Since the far-distant day El Loco already confirmed not to have problems playing with anybody, whether it Bachdim, Bepe, or Yong. For him the important thing is "Garuda" could win and win the AFF Cup.
However, this remains only a question fans of Indonesia. To some extent, anyone who will be the tandem El Loco, of course will affect the game "Team Red and White". Both Bachdim, Bepe, and Yong played very well in this AFF Cup. But, all three have advantages and disadvantages of each.
Top seed is Bachdim. The Dutch player was bloody impressive play during the group stage. He is very popular because it is quite coherent Alfred Riedl with Gonzales. Bachdim also received much praise for the clever to build an attack. Its main advantages is the movement behind El Loco. He was able to draw out the opponent defender, in order to give Gonzalez a chance to shoot.
In addition, Bachdim also often perform dangerous maneuvers with through individual action. Instincts tally was also quite high, until able to score two goals in four games.
However, the negative side of Bachdim is his physical condition. He never played Riedl during the second leg semifinal against the Philippines because of an injury. At practice on Tuesday (21/12/2010), Bachdim also still training with the reserves because the condition is not yet fit. It is not certain whether he will fully recover or not against Malaysia later.
The next candidate is Bepe. Bambang is the most respected players in the squad. Sharpness can not be doubted. Until now, he is the top scorer in the history of the Indonesian national team. His instincts are very good. He also reliably hold the ball. Another advantage is the execution Bepe in dead balls. Until now, Bepe has scored two goals in the AFF Cup and both the dead ball (penalty kick).
Lack Bepe is, it has the same type with El Loco. Both are the target man in the penalty box. If Bepe play, Gonzalez usually play a little to the rear. This makes El Loco could not spend full potential.
In addition, defender-defender Malaysia also memorized well Bepe ability. As we know, never played in the League Bepe Malaysia with Selangor FC. To some extent, the Malaysian players would still remember very well how Bepe movement in the penalty box.
Last name is Yong. Yong playing against the Philippines in the second leg semi-finals is a surprise. No one thought at all if Riedl will dare to reduce the notabane Yong still "green" on the international stage. Despite holding a big responsibility, in fact Yong appear straightforward.
He was not afraid at all duel with the giant defender-defender Philippines. As a new striker 21-year-old, famous Yong persistent in the field. Striker Arema Indonesia also has the speed, agility, and ability to control the ball good.
So how do you think? Who would roughly derived Riedl. Is Bachdim, Bepe, or Yong?

Who Gonzalez duo team? Irfan Bachdim, Bambang pamungkas or Yongki aribowo?
Thursday, December 23, 2010Diposkan oleh futsals.blogspot.com di Thursday, December 23, 2010

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