Futsals.blogspot.com KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysian national team will benefit by holding final first leg at home. However, K. Rajagobal rate it will not be much help to his team the opposing team is familiar with their playing style.
Malaysia will host Indonesia in Bukit Jalil Stadium on Sunday (12/26/2010).
It could be said both sides familiar with the strength of his opponent. This is the second meeting for Malaysia and Indonesia along the tournament after the match before the squad 'Garuda' landslide destroy Malaysia with a score 5-1.
With a main first finals in public alone, it will make profits for Malaysia to uncover the chance of revenge plus champion. But the coach Rajagobal reject that notion because the opposing team has to know a little more style of play his team.
"There will be no more profit even though we played the first final at home, but it was definitely interesting to see their first action outside of the cage," he was quoted envoy.
"What should we optimize it a secret, but I think both teams know how each style of play (from the first meeting)," he added.

AFF Cup - 'Playing in the Cage Malaysia Will Not Much Help'
Saturday, December 25, 2010Diposkan oleh futsals.blogspot.com di Saturday, December 25, 2010

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