Malaysia vs Indonesia: Protests Mark Ray Laser Spotlight
Although you have been warned in advance, the incident laser beam toward the goalie was still happening at the Stadium Bukit Jalil, Malaysia. It also experienced the Indonesian national team goalkeeper, Markus Horison.
Mark immediately protested the matter to the referee before the Malaysia national team make its first corner kick goal against Indonesia in the 9th minute. The referee had to stop while the match to ensure there are no laser beam into the face of Indonesia's goalkeeper.
About this incident, PSSI chairman Nurdin Halid was threatening the local committee of Malaysia. Indonesian national team will walkout if the laser beam from the direction of Malaysian fans can not be overcome. Previously, the act of sportsmanship that can not benefit Malaysia's national team is suspected as one cause of the defeat of Vietnam in the semi-final match against Malaysia.

Malaysia vs Indonesia: Protests Markus Ray Laser Spotlight
Sunday, December 26, 2010Diposkan oleh di Sunday, December 26, 2010

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